The Andaman Islands are truly a sight to behold during the monsoon season. The lush greenery that covers the islands comes alive with the rains, and the air is filled with the sound of birdsong. The beaches are less crowded, and the water is a refreshingly cool temperature.

One of the best things about visiting the Andaman Islands during the monsoon is the chance to experience the rainforests in their full glory. The trees are covered in vibrant green leaves, and the undergrowth is lush and verdant. There are also plenty of opportunities to see wildlife, such as monkeys, monitor lizards and deer. The islands are home to a variety of endemic birds too and it’s a great time to take those awesome pictures of wildlife.

If you’re looking for a more relaxing vacation, you can simply spend your days lounging on the beach, reading a book, or taking a walk in the rainforest. If feeling adventurous, you can go hiking, trekking, or beach combing.

No matter what you choose to do, you’re sure to have a memorable experience in the Andaman Islands during the monsoon season.